Colour Mixing and Application Course

Colour Mixing and Application Course

Colour Mixing and Application  Course

March 8th – 10th 2025


The Colour Mixing  and Application  Course is ideal for beginners and a very good refresher for the more advanced. Whatever stage you may be at there is always something you may have missed or not realised

Colour Course.

Colour Mixing and Application Course

Accordingly the colour course will cover the  necessary essentials needed for most visual art practices. This includes    interior decorating and design, fabrics, textiles, ceramics, printing and painting.You do not need representational drawing skills for this course. The course is purely about colour, how to mix it, observe and perceive. Then  how it changes and interacts in different surroundings and contexts.   So you will be dealing with colour  blending, distribution of tones and light, complementaries, simultaneous contrast, discord and harmony. All materials supplied . The course is highly recommended and popular.


       The first day starts with a few concentrated tasks in colour mixing and tonal matching

see below


Colour Mixing and Application Course

Art Courses Wales: Colour Mixing and Application Course

If someone told you the above work was made from only three colours, then you would probably not believe them.  The  fact is all the colours above  were made from the same Red, Yellow and  Blue, with the use of  white. Then likewise the black was made from the same three colours. Then optically the thin grey strip across is not gradated from light to dark. That’s an illusion. In reality it is one single mid tone grey.This phenomenon and others will be something the course will examine throughout the three days 

Two Lemons

The above chart gives you  the fundamentals of  how to mix  colour and assess its tonal values.These skills are  then transferred to painting an actual object on a surface in front of you.  Below are two examples. To the naked eye  it is not obvious that these two paintings were made by only using the 3 primaries and white. In many ways these two  examples prove that  “less can be more”. In addition to this no brushes were used.

Who's afraid of Red ,Yellow and Blue ? Painting of a lemon from 3 colours

Art Courses Wales: Colour Mixing and Application Course


Who's afraid of Red ,Yellow and Blue ? Painting of a lemon from 3 colours

Art Courses Wales. Colour Mixing and Application Course


Visit this Gallery ……      for further examples of  the course’s work


The fees include all materials and use of tools and equipment.


Lunches are  also included. They outsourced  to an award winning chef called  Gavin Kellett , who provides us with very wholesome  and delicious vegetarian soups which are different on all days.  If you have dietary requirements please let us know.The table is laid out pleasantly in our spacious dinning room. Lunch  provides a very welcomed break. It is a  friendly and relaxing time away from the working studio

Refreshments. Coffee ,teas and biscuits are freely available through out the day.

Some  famous quotes :

“In visual perception a color is almost never seen as it really is – as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art”.

Josef Albers
“In order to change a color it is enough to change the colour of its background.”

Michel Eugene Chevreul

“The chief function of colour should be to serve expression.”

Henri Matisse
“All colours arouse specific associative ideas…”

Yves Klein

Art Courses Wales: Landscape by Nick Weavers,Oil pastels.Using three primaries and no black

