
Booking, terms and deposits

Booking Form For booking please click on the button at the bottom of this page. You will also find the same button on each course page. Then fill in the form with your details  and what course you would like to attend. Also use this form for any requests…

Student Discounts 15%

If you are in the process of putting a portfolio together for the purpose of  apply to art school then there is a 15% discount from our fees.

Still-life Painting

    Short History and Introduction to Still-life Painting Next studio practical course is April 5-7th 2025  The following essay is an introduction for those who might be interested  enrolling on the next  still-life painting course  in April . The essay discusses Still-Life as an art form from prehistoric times…


Why not treat someone to an Art Courses Wales Voucher ? They are a popular way of giving someone a present for a course or a gift to cover part of the course payment. If you would like to purchase a voucher as a gift please email/contact …


  Waiting Lists & Discounts: If a class is full and there’s a cancellation, then favourable discounts apply for taking the spare place. Courses  are published a year in advance. Certain courses tend to book up early ,such as Life Classes.  If you find a course full and the…